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Learning About Mobile Windshield Repairs

Hello, my name is Sydney Gray. Welcome to my site. I am excited to share my knowledge about mobile windshield repair on this site. On my way to work on day, my windshield was hit with a rock kicked up by the truck in front of me. When I made it to work, I immediately started looking into my repair options. When I called to schedule an appointment for after work, the windshield repair tech let me know that they could come to me. To prepare for the appointment, I started learning all I could about the process used for onsite replacement and repairs. I will share that information on this site to help others prepare as well.




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Learning About Mobile Windshield Repairs


Three Ways to Protect Your Windshield on Rural Roads

Although rural living can be wonderful if you desire a slower paced lifestyle, the roads can wreak havoc on your car. The problem is with the sand and gravel found on these rural roads. The windshield is at especially high risk, since it is subjected to rocks and debris thrown up on rural dirt roads. Chances are you will need to plan for more frequent windshield replacement, but you can take steps to reduce this need.